Hi welcome to WOW Farming Guide. In here we present the most ultimate guide for World Of Warcraft gamers.Here i post farming guide for alliance, druid, some of the classes, priest, warlocks, rogue, paladin, and shaman. Most of my post is merely copy and paste, and i taken it from other sites, since i don't play well and can't write well. I'll try to write some guide and articles on that. Enjoy! Don't forget to bookmark for future updates!

Monday, August 6, 2007

WOW:600g Easy at Level 60 rogue/druid (in LBRS)

I will explain this in detail to the best of my limits.

You have to be a Rogue/Druid class Level 60, for this to work, not sure if its been posted or not but anyway here I go.

Item you will hunt for, Plans: Arcanite Reaper my server kil jid sells for 350g min

Ok first things first, Optional items that you can use to speed up the process: Ornate spy glass

Step #1 make a /target Bannok macro ( type /macro, make a icon then type /target bannok and put it on your hot key)

Step #2 What you need to do is make your way up to LBRS in BRM

Step #3 Stealth, and make your way over down to lbrs past the wolfs down to the path of the 2 bridges, then head to the trolls and all the way down to the entrance of the firebrand orcs.

Step #4 from the firebrand orcs make your way along the path to the entrance of the spiders do not go into spider area stop before !!!. All this time you should be spamming your macro key looking for the rare spawn Bannok Grimaxe (Firebrand Legion Champion)

Step #5 Bannok has 3 know spawns that he spawns at, All three are soloable. In spot closer to spiders you have to be in the corner behind that catapult sh*t or whatever and pull him there with your bow/gun. Noone will come with him if done right

Step #6 if you made your way all along the path to the spider entrance and didnt find him make your way back and reset instance (before exiting invite random player 1 make him leader, exit instance, leave party, enter)

Now the after doing this couple times and getting hang of it you can make the trip faster by using ornate spy glass from the ledge before hitting the bridge near the orcs at the top

First, I look at the carpet close to the lava, just by the left wall, then I look at the carpet in the right right corner (the right corner closest to you) ^=cliffsuptop, ~=lava .=fillers to make it look right X=spawnpoints |=walls

_____ __
(spot2)X |
_ |
.| |
.| |
.| ...|
.| ...|
_|X(spot1) |
~~~~~~~~~lava ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^second wolf grp

cliff ME

With this way it saves you the long trick of going all the way down and can be done in about 2 mins in and out but only problem with this is you do not see the 3rd spawn spot near the spiders.

Bannok is a pretty rare spawn and has a spawn percent sometimes is close to 5% sometimes is close to 20%. So it can be one of 40 resets or each 5 resets. He has a about 6-10% chance of dropping plans which sell for different prices on different servers but either way sells 100g min any server.


JIRAIYA said...

good job with the nice wow macro addon. Try this guide at wow macro.

Unknown said...

Ill vouche for this, no doubt.
