Hi welcome to WOW Farming Guide. In here we present the most ultimate guide for World Of Warcraft gamers.Here i post farming guide for alliance, druid, some of the classes, priest, warlocks, rogue, paladin, and shaman. Most of my post is merely copy and paste, and i taken it from other sites, since i don't play well and can't write well. I'll try to write some guide and articles on that. Enjoy! Don't forget to bookmark for future updates!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

WOW:200-2,000 Gold An Hour - Location: Dire Maul - West

This is best done with two players...pref a rogue & hunter, but can be soloed by hunters, priests & really crafty rogues.

Location: Dire Maul - West (best to use south entrance to the west side).

In every instance made in all of Dire maul there is a chest spawn & usually a Dusty Tome spawn. In west, there are four spots that the chest spawns, two of which can be gotten very quickly & with few mobs. There are also two Dusty Tome spawn locations (that I know), but only 1 location is easy to get to....just so happens it is about 3 feet from one of the chest locations.

In each chest there is a lvl50-55 green, some are pretty good, also some change & 1 in about every 25-50 chests have a blue BOE usually worth 60-100g. All the greens dc into Greater eternal essence & illusion dust, Or you can vendor most items for about 3-5g a piece or sell on the AH. The Dusty Tomes are where the real money is though....90% of the tomes will give you a junk book "nat pagles extreme fishing..." and pocket lint - the rest of the time you will get one of any of the blue class books (each sell in AH from 45g-90g) and an equal chance to get Furor's Compendium of Demonslaying (Warriors epic book) = anywhere from 1500g to 2400g. I have found several now and all sold within a few hours on AH for 2000g

Allakhazam wow guide

Now the strat... You enter west on south side. The tome & chest spawn location is in the initial room you come into, before you get to Shen'dralar Ancient. As you are looking at the room from the portal, the chest will be across the room on left side (there is another spawn location on the right side - but after you do this a while, you will see it is more profitable to only look for the left side one).

If you use an Ornate spyglass you can position yourself on a corner right next to the instance portal (bout 15ft from it) and look down to the south west corner with the chest & tome. (for the first while you will want to run down and make sure nothing spawns till you know exactly where to look). If you dont see the chest or tome, run out the instance and reset it...round trip on an empty instance is about 30seconds or less. IF the chest spawns in that spot(bout 25% of the instances) there will be 3 to 4 tree creeps guarding it. The easiest way to get to them is to have a rogue position behind the chest ready to take it & have another class move up and agro the three trees then turn & run out the instance while the rogue loots. Once you get used to it, you can loot and be back to reset in under 2min.

Hunters can solo this by using Eyes of the beast & taking the agro to the other side of the instance, then dismiss their pet, grab the loot & move to a safe spot to feign death.

Screenies for those that have found this confusing...sorry I did not have them up before....

This is where you should stand to use spyglass...

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Here is what you should see thru spyglass...approx....was in a hurry to get the screenies so I did not wait to find chest...but pasted in a spot where you will see them...

DM West is easy enough to move around once you learn your agro range and stay close to the south wall.

I will try to update this with pics, but I am not that great with photo stuff.

Monday, August 6, 2007

WOW:600g Easy at Level 60 rogue/druid (in LBRS)

I will explain this in detail to the best of my limits.

You have to be a Rogue/Druid class Level 60, for this to work, not sure if its been posted or not but anyway here I go.

Item you will hunt for, Plans: Arcanite Reaper my server kil jid sells for 350g min

Ok first things first, Optional items that you can use to speed up the process: Ornate spy glass

Step #1 make a /target Bannok macro ( type /macro, make a icon then type /target bannok and put it on your hot key)

Step #2 What you need to do is make your way up to LBRS in BRM

Step #3 Stealth, and make your way over down to lbrs past the wolfs down to the path of the 2 bridges, then head to the trolls and all the way down to the entrance of the firebrand orcs.

Step #4 from the firebrand orcs make your way along the path to the entrance of the spiders do not go into spider area stop before !!!. All this time you should be spamming your macro key looking for the rare spawn Bannok Grimaxe (Firebrand Legion Champion)

Step #5 Bannok has 3 know spawns that he spawns at, All three are soloable. In spot closer to spiders you have to be in the corner behind that catapult sh*t or whatever and pull him there with your bow/gun. Noone will come with him if done right

Step #6 if you made your way all along the path to the spider entrance and didnt find him make your way back and reset instance (before exiting invite random player 1 make him leader, exit instance, leave party, enter)

Now the after doing this couple times and getting hang of it you can make the trip faster by using ornate spy glass from the ledge before hitting the bridge near the orcs at the top

First, I look at the carpet close to the lava, just by the left wall, then I look at the carpet in the right right corner (the right corner closest to you) ^=cliffsuptop, ~=lava .=fillers to make it look right X=spawnpoints |=walls

_____ __
(spot2)X |
_ |
.| |
.| |
.| ...|
.| ...|
_|X(spot1) |
~~~~~~~~~lava ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^second wolf grp

cliff ME

With this way it saves you the long trick of going all the way down and can be done in about 2 mins in and out but only problem with this is you do not see the 3rd spawn spot near the spiders.

Bannok is a pretty rare spawn and has a spawn percent sometimes is close to 5% sometimes is close to 20%. So it can be one of 40 resets or each 5 resets. He has a about 6-10% chance of dropping plans which sell for different prices on different servers but either way sells 100g min any server.

Farming Farmbots on Dalvengyr - World of Warcraft (WoW)

gold farming in SFK world of warcraft

WOW:25 Gold Every 2 Hours (in Wailing Caverns as a lvl 40+)

This probably isn't the most easiest strat to start, but i did notice that once i started it, i made quite a lot of gold. Basically, what you'll be doing is, selling savory deviate delights, which sell for 50s in my server (Cenerion Circle). Ok, since this takes steps, im going to provide them now

1. You must have a cooking skill of 85, and a fishing skill of 30 (? you'll be fishing in the walling caverns, I don't think it needs to be very high, people on thottbot said it has to be 30)

2. Once you have those two down, you'll need the recipe called Savory Deviate Delight. You can get it by grinding various mobs in The Barrens, or, you can do what i did, and buy it in the AH for about 30-40g. Here is the link

3. Now you're ready, head over to the barrens, and go to the walling caverns, an instance in the barrens (levels 18-21 i think).

4. Start fishing inside the walling caverns with your selected fishing macro, or just fish, and don't use a macro at all. It really doesn't matter where you fish, it doesn't have to be directly inside of the instance portal, but i did find that i got a little more Deviate Fish (the fish you are looking for) inside the instance of walling caverns. *The Deviate Fish don't ALWAYS drop, but it seems to be about a 50/50 chance of getting them*

5. Make as many Savory Deviate Delights as you can, and you can sell them for 50 silver a piece in the Auction House.

Suggestion: You might want to be over level 40 to try this out, because you're going to pull a lot of aggro while in the walling caverns if you're lower, and you'll have a harder time fighting off those elites.

The best thing about this is that you can go afk, i wouldn't suggest going afk all night, id be too afraid that id get a PM from a GM or something.. and get banned. Otherwise, you're probably going to be fine if you're afk for about 2-3 hours.. or however long you feel is right. Anyways, last night i popped in a movie, put a fish macro on, after the movie was over, i checked my inventory and there were 45 Deviate Fish, made the Savory Deviate Delights, and sold them all for a total amount of 25g.

Oh yes, i forgot to mention, the Delights can make you transform into a pirate, an assassin, a blob, it can make your cast time a lot faster... its random every time, but pretty interesting, and in my server, i noticed that a lot of level 60s like to buy these out and entertain lower levels in Iron Forge. I know this is a lot of work to get it started, but i feel it's well worth it in the end, feel free to post problems and questions you may have. If this is a re-post of some sort, im sorry, i searched for it and didn't find anything on it, it can be deleted if needed, no big deal.

WOW:2 Gold Every 5 Minutes, (at Scarlet Monastery) SM

I farm the boss Arcanist Doan in Scarlet Monastery, he drops Hypnotic Blade, which sells for 1g 27s, and Illusionary Rod, which sells 1g 59s I think. He also drops Robe of Doan, 40s, and Mantle of Doan, 30s.

You should be about level 40, which is when I started farming, that's what I did when I wanted my mount. Smile

Arcanist Doan is level 37 and is in the Scarlet Monastery, located in the far right SM instace, the boss you gotta kill to get the Scarlet Key. Just Stealth directly to him, avoiding all the other mobs.

Strategy to kill him:

He's immune to cheap shot, so I suggest ambushing/garroting him. He spams Arcane Explosion a lot, which hits you for 200 damage, so you better have a lot of hp for him. When his hit points reaches 50%, he'll put up a blue barrier and charges up Detonation, that is when you better get the heck out to the other side of the room before it hits you for a good 800 damage. How to avoid this is to engage the fight while when he walks to a corner of the room, so when he starts casting Detonation, you have around 5 seconds to bolt to the other side and dodge it. Or you could just simply resist it. An important part during this portion is to use first aid while he's busy casting Detonation, and when he's finished, you should just run around a little for your first aid to finish up before confronting him again. Now just hack at him, use a potion if needed, until he dies. =) He'll drop 2 items: a Hypnotic Blade/Illusionary Rod AND Mantle of Doan/Robe of Doan. Which is nearly 2g per round. It takes about 5 minutes for this whole sequence.

Now. How to get him to respawn all the time? Just have a pal to group up with, he can be doing anything he wants on the other continent if he wants. After you kill Doan and come out of the instance, have him make you party leader, then he leaves the group, then he invites you again. There the instance is reset, with a new Arcanist Doan for you to kill. =)

WOW:1 Gold Every 10 Minutes, Level 42+ (at Scarlet Monastery)

Okay well I've known about this little "problem" if you will.

The second you turn 42 head on over to the SM graveyard. This is the instance on the left side inside the Scarlet Monastery. (Please do not do this in a group or you will greatly reduce the amount of loot dropped.)

Ok well at level 42+ your aggro is small enough that you can sneak by all of the humans in the first part of the graveyard. Make sure to ignore them...there not worth your time. Ok well now you'll go up some stairs into the normal graveyard portion of the instance. Here's where the skill comes in. There are 3 main types of mobs here. Elite zombies (31-32), Elite polterguists (32- 33), and best of them all (non elite) Unfettered spirits (level 31).

Ok well ignore both the elites...there not worth your time. The spirits roam in groups of 3 and are very easy to defeat, the thing is these non-elites drop loot like elites. On average you'll get 5s a kill plus random loot that usually includes 1-3 silk.

In 2 hours i gained 18g and filled all my bags with uncommons and 2 rares. Plus over 150 silk cloth

WOW Cheats Easy Solo Kills For XP Money

Don't know if this would be considered a worthwhile exploit or not but if you do the quest series in Nagrand that takes you to the bar. The one where you have to collect the debt from 3 diffrent npcs - Well don't turn in the quest, just keep asking the ogre at the bar for the debt and he will continue to respawn within 5-10sec of death and drop about 50 silver each time. He's really easy to solo and you get rested xp while you do it.

I eventually turned in the quest after killing him 50 times out of sheer bordum, but maybe someone can use this to a more sinister means. . . .

I've done this and tested it out and I was gaining about 450,000 xp per hour with full blue bar rested bonuses, and earning about 17 gold per hour. The gold numbers aren't great, but the xp seems to be pretty good.

A couple other things to note, one good thing is that there are people running in and out of this bar all the time and a lot of them will help you kill him while you are fighting just because they are bored or whatever, and this doesn't take away from the xp you earn as long as you aren't grouped with them. However, one bad thing is that there are always people coming in and doing this quest, so you have to eventually let them kill him, or group up with them and share the xp/gold at some point.

Ultimately, I say yay, as this isn't really well known, and it's kind of nice from a grinding standpoint to be earning rested bonus while killing, and to have him respawn so quickly.
