Hi welcome to WOW Farming Guide. In here we present the most ultimate guide for World Of Warcraft gamers.Here i post farming guide for alliance, druid, some of the classes, priest, warlocks, rogue, paladin, and shaman. Most of my post is merely copy and paste, and i taken it from other sites, since i don't play well and can't write well. I'll try to write some guide and articles on that. Enjoy! Don't forget to bookmark for future updates!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

WOW 60 Gold An Hour

Easy Gold Guide

This method of farming has netted us over 1000 gold in no time, allowing us to purchase anything we want. This guide requires you to be a class who can stealth and an enchanter (at least 125 skill level). Also you must be a high level capable of killing 40+ elites. If you cannot stealth, you can still farm like this but the time you spend killing the mobs between bosses can really shoot your gold per hour rate (Hunters may be able to feign death in, but weĆ¢€™re unsure about this).

1) Free up 5 or 6 slots in your bags.
2) Fly to Theramore Isle and go south and enter Razorfen Downs.
3) Kill Glutton, drops Fleshhide Shoulders most of the time, disenchant.
4) Follow the path around and around until you get to Amnemnar the Coldbringer, kill him, and he sometimes drops two blues, disenchant them.
5) This step depends on your AoE capability. Mordresh Fire Eye has a lot of skellies around him that will attack you when you attack him. Druids will do this easily, but rogues may have a hard time (be creative on the ways to kill him).
6) Leave the instance and then reset. Do this a max number of five times an hour. After your farming session, go back to your nearest auction place.

When you disenchanted the blues you got Small Radiant Shards. These are a popular item that is always on demand. On our server, the price for a 4-stack is around 16-17g. We always 4 stack them (fiery enchant mats). We sell them for 15g, and say we get 16-20 shards a session, that is 4x15 = 60g!

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